15th CII – Exim Bank Digital Conclave on India Africa Project Partnership
22 – 24 September 2020: Virtual Platform
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) will be organizing the 15th CII – Exim Bank Digital Conclave on India – Africa Project Partnership with the support of the Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, on virtual platform.
Over the last 14 editions, the conclave has seen the participation of eminent dignitaries from across Africa and India, who have actively built bridges to strengthen the partnership between our two regions. With the multi-faceted involvement of Heads of State, Ministers, Business Leaders, Financial institutions and Investment agencies, the conclave has proven to be a one stop shop that caters to the interests of both business and political stakeholders, alike. Details of past Conclaves : https://ciiindia-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/devaki_k_n_cii_in/EQzvgTqAM5NFtbvxYovNw-ABEagccrqiq7ba_exmPnoO6A?e=2nZtbK
In recent years, the African continent has been accorded top priority with more than 30 visits to African countries at the level of President, Vice President, and Prime Minister apart from Ministerial-level visits to all 54 African countries. From the African side, more than 32 heads of state or government have visited India in the last five years. Government of India is committed for open markets and to support the Indian industry to invest in Africa. The key areas are Agriculture, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Power and Energy, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Finance, Education & Skill Development amongst others.
This year, the event is being organized in backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic which has impacted the world over. This has also immensely impacted the economies of African countries in many ways such as foreign reserves, cross-border trade, investment, etc. The countries across the world including India had to take multiple measures to protect their citizens and businesses. In this environment, businesses are compelled to consider different models of reaching out to customers and meeting their needs.
With this background, we are happy to present the virtual edition of the 15th CII – Exim Bank Conclave on India – Africa Project Partnership from 22-24 September 2020. We are expecting this edition to be one of the largest virtual congregations of Senior Ministers, Policy Makers and Business Leaders from Africa and India, cutting across sectors to discuss on strategies for further strengthening economic engagement between the regions which is in the cusp of next wave of partnership. The Virtual Conclave will also be an ideal platform for the two sides to provide key inputs that can shape the shape the agenda and discussions on the proposed 4 th India Africa Forum Summit. The event will also sensitize about the opportunities the recently signed African Continental Free Trade Area can usher to boost the trade and economic ties with the region, so that the industry can be prepared to realize the same. For more details about the conclave visit www.ciieximafricaconclave.com
More than 500 projects opportunities that cut across sectors are expected to be discussed at the conclave. In addition to this, special attention will be given to online B2B, B2G meetings and digital exhibition to showcase the products and services for African market.
Considering your interest in doing business with Africa, I am writing to cordially invite you to participate in the forthcoming digital conclave from 22-24 September 2020 on virtual platform.
I look forward to receiving your expression of interest to participate in the event.
Rajiv Kumar
Manager – International Division
Confederation of Indian Industry
The Mantosh Sondhi Centre
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road
New Delhi- 110003
T:+ 91-11-24655023 (D), 24629994-7 Extn. 370