CII主催:「 India – Japan Business Partnership in the New World Order 」のご案内
日時:3 月24日(水曜日) 09:00~13:00
形式 : オンライン(ZOOM)
共催 : 在日インド大使館
協力 : 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)、JCCII
参加費: 無料(但し事前の登録が必要です。)
プログラム:「India-Japan Seminar programme as on 19 M…」をダウンロード
Dear.JCCII members,
Thank you for supporting the Digital Conference & Exhibition on “India – Japan Business Partnership in the New World Order” on 24 March 2021 on Virtual Platform which is being organised by CII in partnership with Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India with the support of the Embassy of India, Japan, JETRO and JCCII.I am enclosing the updated overall programme for 24 March 2021 for your ready reference. The Inaugural session is scheduled from 0930-1040 hrs, (Indian Standard Time) followed by two important Sessions.
You are requested to register and join the Conference at https://www.ciihive.in/SignUp.
May I also request your help to share the updated eflyer to the Japanese companies and encourage them to participate in this important event.
In case of any further clarification / information please feel free to reach me or Mr E B Rajesh, Regional Director, CII (+91-8588802387).
Thank you once again for your support and look forward to your kind participation.
Rajiv Kumar
Manager – International Division
Confederation of Indian Industry
The Mantosh Sondhi Centre
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road
New Delhi- 110003
T:+ 91-11-24655023 (D), 24629994-7 Extn. 370